A century of HAVER & BOECKER machines. We would like to celebrate this impressive milestone with you for a whole year.
The largest Venezuelan cement manufacturer VENCEMOS opted for the Fluxo round packers from the Danish company F.L. Smidth – which incidentally were…
In the 1970s, the focus shifted from supplying individual machines to complete plants.
In the 1950s, German Mende from Barcelona took over our representation in Spain.
Florian Festge and Dr. Fabian Festge are the sons of Susanne née Haver and Dr. Reinhold Festge.
In the 1950s, Jens F. Konow took over our representation for Norway in Bergen.
In the 1970s , Haver & Boecker won a tender involving the packing and loading system for a grinding plant in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The invention of the valve bag marked the beginning of a completely new era in the packaging industry.
As a salesperson, you’re used to sales meetings and business lunches taking longer than planned and then neither a return flight nor a hotel being…
At the end of 1975, the family business was in good health.
It’s always been a proud custom at Haver & Boecker to give presents to visitors after a successful stay in Oelde.
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