Naturally, Haver & Boecker’s sales staff had the greatest interest in convincing the Venezuelans of the efficiency of Haver & Boecker’s round packers. After years of preparatory work, Sales Director Wolfgang Haschke and the then Head of the Cement Department, Bernhard Pagenkemper, were able to book their first major order.
What a joy! Both great food lovers, the men thought they should reward themselves with an 800 g steak as a kind of “victory celebration”. With the best will in the world, the huge piece of meat – reminiscent of a roasted soccer ball – was just too big for them to eat, even when washed down with gallons of red wine. The victory celebration had a lasting effect. For days afterwards, the two HAVER employees had to struggle with pain in their mouths. Wolfgang Haschke’s conclusion: “Even in moments of greatest joy, you need to keep your wits about you!”